How to overcoming greed and finding the fulfillment?


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Greed arises from a deep emptiness within, a feeling that must be filled with anything available, be it money, possessions, relationships, or even food. 

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The understanding of greed is sufficient to overcome it; attempting to fill the emptiness with external acquisitions is merely a futile endeavor.

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True fulfillment comes from being in tune with the universe, experiencing a sense of fullness that transcends material possessions.

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The anecdote of a man with a house filled with unnecessary and absurd items exemplifies the mindless pursuit of collecting things to fill the inner void.

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Greed is a symptom of disconnection from the whole, prompting individuals to accumulate possessions indiscriminately.

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The story of a man collecting broken items, including a non-functional car and a statue, illustrates the irrationality of greed and the hollowness it perpetuates.

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Greed is not merely a desire but an existential sickness, a sign of being out of harmony with the whole.

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Religions often misinterpret greed as a desire, leading to attempts to repress or renounce possessions, but these extremes fail to address the root cause.

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To overcome greed, one must understand the inner emptiness, reconnect with the existential, and move towards a state of inner fullness through meditation and peace.

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