Become more and more loving and you will be closer to God…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Become more and more loving and you will be closer to God...

I don't teach you: go against love. I teach you: go through love. That is the whole difference between my teaching and the teaching of the traditional, so-called saints.

I teach you go through love; that is natural. But go so totally, so utterly lost in it that by and by it is not just a superficial thing; you can start feeling the soul of the other.

In that moment, you will be able to see the whole of existence filled with soul.

If you have looked into the eyes of your beloved and seen something of the ineffable, the indefinable, then look at the tree and you will see the same thing there too.

Then look at the rose and you will find the same eyes there too. Then run around and you will see he is everywhere. But the first glimpse will be in your beloved; and that is natural.

Love is the natural way to God.

Become more and more loving and you will be closer to God, closer and closer. The day your whole being is a state of love, you have arrived: God is revealed to you.

Love, and whomsoever you love, you will find he has become a God. Love, and you will always find God in the end.