Talented people have to be given absolute freedom to create whatsoever they can…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Talented people have to be given absolute freedom to create whatsoever they can...

Whenever I say something, meditate over it.
Being angry is not going to help. Anger simply shows that something in you is hurt, some wound is there. OSHO

Remember, a society is possible which will not be greedy, but that is possible not through socialism; it is possible only through the growth of capitalism, through the growth of freedom.

Talented people have to be given absolute freedom to create whatsoever they can — poetry, wealth, music. Whatsoever they can create let them create, and their creativity will raise the society to higher levels.

Capitalism is pure freedom. Of course, everybody is not capable of creating wealth, hence it creates jealousy. But we should not be dominated by jealousy, we should not be dominated by those who are uncreative.

If we are dominated by the uncreative, by the jealous, then we will destroy all the talented people. And they are the real people, they are the people who raise humanity to higher levels.

Humanity owes all its growth to very few people, not to the masses — not at all. The masses have been the hindrance; they are like rocks preventing the growth of society. Society has been benefited only by a few scientists, a few mystics, a few creators; the others have been just hindering in every possible way.

And these others constitute the majority, and of course they are jealous. But nobody says directly, "I am jealous." They will talk about equality, socialism, communism…beautiful words to hide something ugly.

Whenever I say something, meditate over it. Being angry is not going to help. Anger simply shows that something in you is hurt, some wound is there. Maybe you have come believing in socialism, communism, and all that kind of nonsense.

There are many sannyasins who have belonged to political ideologies in their past. When they come to me it becomes difficult for them to drop all their rubbish — but you have to drop all your rubbish.

It is easy for you when I say, "Don't be a Christian," because in fact you are not a Christian at all. When I say, "Don't be a Mohammedan or a Hindu," who is a Mohammedan, who is a Hindu? These are only formalities. But when I say, "Don't be a communist or a socialist," then it hurts more, because particularly the new generation is very much addicted to the communist ideology.

Capitalism is not an ideology at all, that's why I prefer it.