Tale 14 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas

Tale 14 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas


Tale 14 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas


By 7:00pm we reach Udaipur. We are shocked to see that one room on the ground floor has been arranged for Osho and all of us, in a building under construction. There is an Indian cot, made from ropes tied around a wooden frame standing on four legs. A small thin mattress is put on it and is covered with a white sheet. It is the bed arranged for Osho and the rest of us have to sleep in the same room on the floor which is covered with rugs. I am even more shocked to see that there is not even an electric fan. Some bamboo hand fans are kept in one of the corners of the room. From somewhere an electric connection is taken to light an electric bulb. There is a bathroom nearby which is somehow prepared for us to use.

After this whole tedious journey, we relax on the floor and Osho on His cot like a baby in the cradle. Everyone is silent. I am feeling angry inside about the whole situation and not finding any words to express it, I also keep quiet on the surface.
We watch Osho. It seems He has accepted everything joyously. There is no expression of any complaint on His face. After lying down for a few minutes he gets up and walks to the bathroom with His towel hanging on His shoulder. As he leaves we start talking about this mess we are in.

The organizer cannot conceive Osho’s difficulty–he thinks he has made the best arrangements, and there is no bathroom, we become silent. He looks so fresh and radiant–I can’t resist gazing at Him. He looks at us and smiles and site on His cot like a king on his beautiful throne. I think He has some secret key–and I want to steal it.