A right kind of education will teach people to live herenow, to create a paradise of this earth…

A right kind of education will teach people to live herenow, to create a paradise of this earth


A right kind of education will teach people to live herenow, to create a paradise of this earth


A totally new kind of education is needed in the world where fundamentally everybody is introduced into the silences of the heart — in other words into meditations — where everybody has to be prepared to be compassionate to one’s own body. Art can create beauty, science can discover objective truth, and consciousness can discover subjective reality. These three together can make any system of education complete. All else is secondary, may be useful for mundane purposes, but it is not useful for spiritual growth, it is not useful to bring you to the sources of joy, love, peace, silence. Man needs a better body, a healthier body.


Man needs a more conscious, alert being. Man needs all kinds of comforts and luxuries that existence is ready to deliver. Existence is ready to give you paradise herenow, but you go on postponing it — it is always after death.


A right kind of education will teach people to live herenow, to create a paradise of this earth, not to wait for death to come, A right education will teach you how to find your own song and how to learn the dance and not be shy; how to celebrate the small things of life and make this whole planet alive. We should teach our children not what has been but what can be — not the past, but the future. Give them a single direction about the art of love, the art of life, the meaning of existence, preparation for death with joy, silence and meditativeness. It should be taught to every child that to be a buddha is a normal phenomenon. Anybody who is wise enough is going to become a buddha.