Allaha is far more significant than the word ‘God.’ Allaha simply means existence….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Allaha is far more significant than the word 'God.' Allaha simply means existence....

Allaha is far more significant than the word 'God.' In fact no other word in any language of the world exists which is more important than this word. All other words used for God are at the most qualities of God.

They are not as comprehensive as 'Allaha.' Allaha simply means existence. It contains all: it contains good, it contains bad; it contains life, it contains death. It is not a quality, but all the good qualities of the totality. And it does not mean existent, it means existence.

Man is an existent. God is existence Himself. To say 'God exists' is a tautology; it simply means 'existence exists.' It doesn't make sense. The tree exists, the man exists, the mountain exists, but not God.

Existence is a quality of the mountain; with God it is the very spirit. The mountain exists today, tomorrow it may not exist. There was a time when it was not there; there will be a time when again it will not be there.

God always is. You cannot use a past tense for God. It will be grammatically right but existentially wrong.

You cannot say 'God is.' That is the meaning of 'Allaha', that is-ness.