Only silence.
Only through silence can reality be indicated.
The sinner exists because of the saint, the saint exists because of the sinner — they are relativities. So if you want to be a saint you will create a sinner; you cannot be a saint without there being sinners. So be aware, don't become a saint, because if you become a saint that means somewhere the other polarity will have to exist.
Saints are false, sinners are false. Who are you in yourself? If you are alone, are you a sinner or a saint? Then you are neither. Look into that reality which you are, unrelated to anything else; look into yourself without relation — then you will come to the absolute truth; otherwise everything is just a relative term. Relativities are dreams.
Reality is not a relativity, it is an absoluteness. Who ARE you?
If you go inside and you say, 'I am light,' you are dreaming again, because what can light mean without darkness? Light needs darkness to be there! If you say, 'Inside I am blissful,' again you are dreaming, because bliss needs misery to be there. You cannot use any term because all terms are relativities. That's why Buddha says that we cannot use any term — because inside there is emptiness. Also, this 'emptiness' is not against 'fullness'; this is just to say that all terms are empty. In absolute truth, no term applies, you cannot say anything.
Buddha says whatsoever word you use is useless, because the opposite will be needed. Look into yourself — then you cannot use language, only silence. Only through silence can reality be indicated. And when he says, 'All terms are empty, all words are empty, all things are empty, all thoughts are empty,' he means this because they are relative — relativity is a dream…