It is good to help people; it is good to help them grow. Just one thing remember always: Don't help them just to be normal — help them to grow; help them to become unique.
It is good to help people; it is good to help them grow.
Just one thing remember always:
Don't help them just to be normal — help them to grow; help them to become unique.
Don't help them to become normal!
Normal, they will be just part of a collectivity.
Help them to become individuals.
Help them to become rare, unique.
Enjoy it!
"Recently I have begun to appreciate witnessing. I wonder now if I am 'qualified' to be a psychologist."
If you ask me, and if my certificate can mean anything: To whomsoever it concerns, I certify you.
By becoming a witness, the first rays are entering in you.
You are really becoming qualified to be a psychologist.
How can you be a psychologist if you have not witnessed even your own self?
Then all your observations are from the outside. You see people's behavior — you can be a behaviorist but not a psychologist.
When you have watched your innermost core… and that is the only way to watch it. You cannot watch it in somebody else — because watching somebody else, you are always outside.
You can watch the real human soul only from the inside.
You have to become an introvert — witnessing.
That's why the questioner has become suspicious whether he can call himself qualified, because if he goes and asks Freudians they will say, "You are dropping out of the profession.
An introvert is morbid. Witnessing?
There is nothing to witness.
You are losing your track."
But I will say to you: For the first time you are really becoming a psychologist.