Individual means indivisible — that which cannot be divided.

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Individual means indivisible -- that which cannot be divided.

The only way out of ignorance and out of this dark night of the soul is to be aware of your own being, aware of your own awareness.

In that moment when you are aware of your own awareness, everything stops, time stops. Suddenly you are beyond time and beyond space, and a door opens which makes you part of the whole.

This is the inner mathematics, that the part of the whole is not smaller than the whole. That will be difficult to understand. The part of the whole is equal to the whole, because the whole cannot be divided into parts. Division is not possible.

That's why we call the real authentic being in you `individual'.

Individual means indivisible — that which cannot be divided.

So the moment you feel yourself part of the whole, that is the beginning — the first encounter with the whole. Soon you will realize you are not the part, you are the whole because there is no possibility of any division.