River can fall in the ocean, and suddenly the melody arises; a music will come out of you,
a music that you have not heard.
It is just hidden in you — the ego just has to be put out of the way. OSHO
Let the river move, unafraid, into the unknown, the uncharted.
Death will be there, but death is always followed by rebirth. Die and be reborn, lose yourself and find. Fear comes from the mind, love comes from your heart; listen to the heart.
It happened once in a great palace of a king that there was a musical organ. He loved it very much but something had gone wrong, and the organ was so unique that nobody knew how to fix it. Nobody had ever seen one like it. This king had heard the organ when he was a very small child, when his father was alive, and since then something had gone wrong.
But he loved the organ so much that he used to keep it in his room. It was beautiful; even from the outside it was beautiful. Many experts were called in vain. They made many efforts and things went from bad to worse; The organ was more and more destroyed. the king lost hope: the organ could not be fixed.
Then suddenly one day a beggar appeared. To the doorkeeper he said, "I have heard that something has gone wrong with the organ. I can fix it."The doorkeeper had the urge to laugh, because great experts from many capitals of the world had come, great musicians; they couldn't find what was wrong.
They couldn't even recognize what type of organ this was and what type of music was created by it, it was so complex. He had the urge to laugh, but he looked at the beggar, and the voice, the beggar's eyes, seemed to be authentic; he was absolutely confident. He was a beggar but his face looked majestic. The doorkeeper's mind was saying, "It will be a wastage again," but his heart said," This man seems so confident, what is wrong if he tries?" So he took him to the king.
Looking at the beggar the king laughed, and he said, " Are you mad? Every type of expert has tried and failed. You must be mad. You think you can fix it?"
The beggar said, " Nothing more, no more harm can be done. The organ is already out of order, absolutely. I cannot harm it any more so what is the harm if you give me a chance?"
The king thought, "He is right, because nothing more harmful can be done." So he said, "Okay, you try." For many days the beggar disappeared behind the organ. He was working and working and working, and suddenly, one midnight, he started playing on the organ. The whole palace was filled with an unknown melody, something so divine that everybody ran to see. The king came out of his bedroom and said, "You have done it! It must have been very difficult. It was almost impossible. You have done a miracle!"
The man said, " No, it was not difficult because in the first place I made it. In your father's time I made this organ, so it was not difficult."
If you are ready, for one thing, no more harm can be done to you; you are already harmed.
I cannot harm you any more than you have been harmed – this much is certain. Look at my eyes and feel my voice; give me a chance. It is not difficult, I say to you. Once one is dissolved into the infinite, he is at the source of the thing from where he has come.
I am not there.
If I were there, if the ego were there, then it would be difficult. There is no expert in me; the expert died long ago. The ego is the expert; I don't know anything.
I am not there, I have disappeared; the ocean exists, God exists, not I.
In the first place, you are close to that thing from which you have come, and for God, nothing is impossible. In the first place, he created you. And I am not there, because otherwise it would be a very difficult thing. If I am there I will harm you; the ego can only harm.
Experts can only destroy- they cannot fix you. You have been with many experts and they have done every type of thing that was possible, now you are beyond repair. But the river can fall in the ocean, and suddenly the melody arises; a music will come out of you, a music that you have not heard. It is just hidden in you — the ego just has to be put out of the way.