I am saying that whatsoever you are doing, let it be just an outside activity.
Inside become feminine, silent, doors opened, empty, waiting. OSHO
You can sit, for all practical purposes, not doing anything, and your mind can go on being active, occupied, engaged. You can be engaged in much activity and your mind can remain inactive, passive, aloof, detached.
Your inner world is so full of rotten furniture.
A deep inner emptiness is needed; that inner emptiness becomes the womb.
So I'm not saying stop doing, stop action; I'm not saying that.
I am saying that whatsoever you are doing, let it be just an outside activity.
Inside become feminine, silent, doors opened, empty, waiting.
In the mother's womb the feminine egg simply waits. It does not go anywhere. The male sperm travels, and it travels with fast speed. It is really a tremendous distance for the male sperm to travel to the woman's egg; great competition starts. Men are competitive from the very beginning, even before they are born.
While making love to a woman a man releases millions of sperm, and they all rush towards the egg. Great speed is needed because only one will be able to reach the egg, not all. Only one is going to be the Nobel Prize winner. The real Olympics start there! And it is a life and death question, it is not ordinary.
And great is the competition — millions of sperms fighting, rushing — one will reach. Sometimes it happens that two reach at the same time, hence twins are born.
Because once one sperm has entered, then the door is closed. Sometimes two sperms reach exactly at the same time, or three sperms reach exactly at the same time; the door was open, so all the three enter in. Then there are three children born, or two children, or four, or even six. But that rarely happens.
Ordinarily one reaches just a split second before the others. The door is open; once one guest has entered, the door closes. But the feminine egg simply waits there…great trust.
That's why women cannot be competitive: they cannot fight, they cannot struggle. And if you find a woman somewhere who struggles and fights, who is competitive, then something of womanhood is missing in her. Physically she may be a woman, psychologically she is a man.
So remember, passivity is not laziness. Passivity has its own kind of activity. It is non-tense, relaxed.