Live the moment in its totality, love the moment in its totality, drown yourself in this overwhelming existence, and you will come closer and closer to God."
By "God" I don't mean some person; by "God" I simply mean the essential core of existence, the center of the cyclone.
The universe is the circumference and God is the center.
The mystic approach is totally different from the goal-oriented mind.
The mystic says, "Live the moment in its totality, love the moment in its totality, drown yourself in this overwhelming existence, and you will come closer and closer to God."
By "God" I don't mean some person; by "God" I simply mean the essential core of existence, the center of the cyclone.
The universe is the circumference and God is the center.
If you dive deep in the now, in the here, you are bound to encounter the center. And the miracle is that the center of all is also your center too.
To become aware of it, to live that center, from that center, into full awareness, is to be a buddha, is to be enlightened.
But remember, buddhahood is not an ultimate goal. It is not something which has to be achieved somewhere else. It is available right now — immediately it is available, not ultimately.
Remember these two words: the ultimate and the immediate. The ultimate brings the mind in, the immediate helps the mind to disappear.
To me, the immediate is the ultimate. There is no goal, physical, psychological, spiritual. All is as it should be… it already is.
Drop your tensions, anxieties for the future, what is going to happen. All has already happened! Live it! Don't be ambitious. Goals make you ambitious, and they drive you crazy.
The more goal-oriented a person is, the crazier he becomes — because ambition is nothing but ego. You can go on inventing new goals; there will always be the horizon beyond.
And with those new goals your ego can go on and on having new trips.
The mystic and the world of the mystic is a totally different dimension.
What I am talking about here has nothing to do with goal orientation — that is the way of the mind. I am teaching you the way of no-mind.