The world needs to be free from politicians, only then can it be free from pollution…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

The world needs to be free from politicians, only then can it be free from pollution...


Democracy can exist only if the countries are dissolved. With so many countries preparing to fight with each other continuously, of course you choose the most cunning politician you can, because he will be safer. You want him to be smarter, more cunning than the Soviet premier. The same is the situation in every country.


The wise people remain out of politics. It is so dirty, stinkingly dirty. And it will remain dirty till nations dissolve and we have one world where there is no question of any war, no question of preparing for war.


You can divide history in two parts: one, when people are really fighting, killing, burning people — innocent people who have not done anything wrong to you. In fact, you don't know whom you are killing. Or the second part of history, when you are preparing for the next war. Of course, a little time is needed between two wars, and if the wars are going to be world wars, then at least ten or fifteen years' gap is needed.


Now we are on the verge of a third world war. Albert Einstein was asked once, "Can you say something about the third world war?" He said, "No, but I can say something about the fourth world war."


The questioner was simply surprised. He said, "If you cannot say anything about the third, what can you say about the fourth?"

He said, "The fourth is not going to happen."


The third world war is going to finish all living beings: men, birds, animals, trees — anything that is alive it is going to be destroyed completely. And your politicians are preparing for it.


The world needs to be free from politicians, only then can it be free from pollution.