Even if you can begin with one thing in the current, you will begin to change the whole.
Really, this is one of the basic truths of esoteric religion: that you cannot change a part unless you change the whole. And it works both ways. Either you change the whole, then the part will change; or you change even a single part totally and the whole will follow — because they are so integratedly related.
So begin anywhere. Find out your chief characteristic. Find out the chief characteristic for you: that which is most forceful, which you cannot resist, that which tempts you and causes you to go down. It may be sadness, it may be anger, it may be greed, it may be anything. Find out your chief characteristic, your weakness — And begin with the stronger one, then the weaker ones can be won very easily. Begin with the strongest.
If anger is the strongest begin with anger. First, when you feel that you have been insulted, you have been rejected, you have been hindered — anything which creates anger — just when you feel that "Now the first step has been taken and I am feeling insulted," stop for a moment. Don't breathe: just stop the breath wherever it is. If it is out, let it be out. If it is in, let it be in. Stop breathing for a moment, then release the breath. Go in, and find out whether you have missed the thing or it is still there.
You will have missed it. The connection is missed. You will have given a gap to the automatic working. Somewhere you have disjointed the mechanism, and breathing is wonderful to disjoin anything. Just stop breathing, and there is a disjoining inside. Your feeling insulted and the mechanism of anger will not be joined. And if they are missed even for a single moment, they are missed. Your mechanism will never know that you have been insulted.
The earlier this happens, the better. There are even earlier stages — they belong to the other, not to you. When the other is insulting you, before feeling insulted look at him and feel that he is angry. Stop your breath and look at him again, and you will not be insulted. He will insult you, but you will not be insulted. You will not feel insulted because again there comes a gap. This gap is between him and you. Now he cannot cross this gap; he cannot insult you. He will insult, but somewhere he has missed you. You are not the target now. For him you are the target, but actually you are not. You can laugh, and if you laugh it is better.
So first create a gap. Second: do something which is ordinarily never done in such situations. When someone is insulting, no one laughs, no one smiles, no one thanks, no one hugs, embraces. Do something which is never done! Then you are against the current, because the current is always that which is done, that which is usually done. This is what the current means. Be unusual!
Someone is beating you: laugh and feel the difference — not only in those who are beating you, but within yourself. If you can laugh you will feel totally different. Try it — something absurd. Then you disconnect the whole mechanism, you confuse the whole mechanism, because the mechanism cannot understand what is happening.
A mechanism is just a mechanism. It may be very deep-rooted, but it is mechanical; it has no consciousness. So confuse your animal. Don't allow him to push and pull and manipulate. Confuse the animal! The more you confuse him, the less powerful he becomes — and by "animal" I mean your past.
This is a rare experiment: to do something which is never done. When you are happy, do something which is never done in happiness: be sad, act sad, be angry, act angry. Confuse the mechanism. Just don't allow the mechanism to know everything that is to be done. Don't allow, and within a year your mechanism will be at a loss.
Someone will be insulting, and your mechanism will not know at all what to do. You have broken from your past. So try! Every moment can be an experiment, and you will feel a sudden change in your consciousness. When someone is insulting you, laugh and feel what is happening inside — something new you have never known.