When you know nothing, your whole capacity for knowing turns upon yourself…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

When you know nothing, your whole capacity for knowing turns upon yourself...


Here you are all not to know more and more, but to know less and less.


My work is not to load you with more knowledge; my work is to unload you, unburden you, make you so light that you can fly. So what is happening is exactly the right thing that is expected to happen.


This is a mystery school; those who enter the gateless gate of this mystery school should come with a clear understanding that when they return they will be reborn again as small children, knowing nothing.


But to know nothing is the beginning of knowing oneself. You know so may things that you have completely forgotten to know yourself.


When you know nothing, your whole capacity for knowing turns upon yourself; and to know oneself is the only authentic wisdom there is, a wisdom that liberates, a wisdom that makes you aware of your immortality, a wisdom that makes you aware that you are not an island, but part of the whole.