The master is nothing but a certainty. His presence makes it absolutely certain that there is much more within you than you ever dreamt of. His eyes give you a glimpse of your own possibility. His silence provokes a silence in you and his authority triggers a process in you.
Why do you need a master? Because you already have the truth within you, why can't you just relax and become conscious of it?
The problem is that for ages your consciousness has been wandering all over the world. It has forgotten the way to come home.
It has been a long, long time since you left home and now you don't know whether you have a home or whether you ever had a home.
Your remembrance of home seems to be as if you have seen it in a movie or in a dream, or you have read about it somewhere. It is a faraway echo in the valleys; it does not give you a certainty.
Hence, the need of a master. The master is nothing but a certainty. His presence makes it absolutely certain that there is much more within you than you ever dreamt of. His eyes give you a glimpse of your own possibility. His silence provokes a silence in you and his authority triggers a process in you.