Speak not in prose but in poetry. Sing a song — no syllogism is needed. Let your laughter and your joy
trigger some process in them so that they can also start searching and seeking. Let you be the proof rather than making great arguments.
Be very conscious of what you are saying, to whom you are saying it, for a few reasons.
The first: the truth that you have found cannot be said; language is inadequate. You can only indicate, you can only make a few gestures — fingers pointing to the moon. You cannot argue for it. You can persuade, but you cannot convince anybody. It is not their experience, so don't be angry if they don't listen to you.
If they go against you, don't feel that they are ungrateful. They are simply behaving the way they can behave. You have to be very very patient with them. You have to accept all kinds of abuse that they will throw on you. You have to accept their stones as flowers. Even if they kill you, you have to die loving them.
That's how Jesus died: with a prayer on his lips to God, "Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.
"Secondly: to say the truth is to falsify it — so try to say it indirectly; never make direct statements about it. Don't say "God is" or "God is not." These direct statements have created much confusion in the world; rather than helping people they have created conflict, wars, murders. Don't make any direct statement about God or truth or nirvana.
You have to be very very subtle. You have to live in such a way that people become aware that you have attained something which is missing in their lives, that there is something more in life which is not available to them. That's all that you can do.
Speak not in prose but in poetry. Sing a song — no syllogism is needed.
Let your laughter and your joy trigger some process in them so that they can also start searching and seeking.
Let you be the proof rather than making great arguments.?