Your seeking of the future, of the goal, you cannot look. The truth surrounds you, you exist in it…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Your seeking of the future, of the goal, you cannot look. The truth surrounds you, you exist in it...


When you stop asking for knowledge you have stopped asking about the truth, for truth is the goal of knowledge.

If you don't inquire what is, rather you become so silent, so mindless, that which is, is revealed.


I myself say I don't know; you cannot come across a more ignorant man than me. There is no truth and there is no way. I have not reached anywhere, I am simply here and now. If you can follow this ignorant man your mind will drop.


For the mind always follows knowledge, and when the mind drops there is no need to go anywhere.

Everything is available, has been available always; you have never missed it.

But just because of your seeking of the future, of the goal, you cannot look. The truth surrounds you, you exist in it. Just like the fish exist in the ocean, you exist in the truth. God is not a goal, God is what is here and now. These trees, these winds blowing, these clouds moving, the sky, you, I —  this is what God is. It is not a goal.


Drop the mind and the divine. God is not an object, it is a merger.

The mind resists a merger, the mind is against surrender; the mind is very cunning and calculating.