OSHO: Man Ke Paar

Man Ke Paar

We will explore the concept of emptiness and how it can lead to a life of ecstasy. We will discuss how to transcend the mind and experience the wine of emptiness. If you are interested in spirituality or meditation, then this is a must-read post.

  • The mind is a source of constant distraction and turmoil. It is always thinking, desiring, and imagining. This can lead to a life of anxiety and dissatisfaction.
  • Emptiness is the opposite of the mind. It is a state of pure awareness, free from thoughts, desires, and imagination. It is a state of peace and bliss.
  • To transcend the mind, we need to practice meditation. Meditation is the process of quieting the mind and bringing it into stillness.
  • When the mind is still, we can experience the wine of emptiness. This is a state of pure ecstasy and bliss.