Tale 27 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas

Tale 27 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas


Tale 27 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas

Today, after lunch, I tell Him that He should close the door to His room from the inside while resting because I also wanted to rest. He says, “People will come and knock on the door.” I tell Him that I am closing the main entrance door of the apartment and will turn off the call bell also. I assure Him He won’t be disturbed. Seeing me determined about it, He says, “Okay, okay, do whatever you like.” I take care of everything and go to my room and have a good afternoon nap. Thank God, no one has disturbed Him during His rest time.

While drinking His afternoon tea, He tells me a story, which I can never forget, because it is my story.

The story is :

There was a master living in a hut in the forest with his only disciple. They both were very lazy. One night they were lying on their beds and the master asked the disciple, “Can you go and find out if it is raining.”

The disciple without moving an inch from his bed replied, “It is not raining because I just touched a cat who came in from the outside and it was not wet.”

The master said, “Okay, close the door and let us sleep.” Again the disciple without moving an inch replied, “Master, what is the need of closing the door? We have no fear of thieves and it feels good having the door open with the cool breeze coming in.”

The master agreed to it and said, “Okay, turn the light off.”

The disciple answered, “Master, two jobs I have done, this one you should do.”

The way Osho narrates a story is so unique, one can visualize the whole scene as if it is happening now before you. And at the same time, it has some subtle meaning for you, if you can get it.

Hearing this story, I feel ashamed of what I had done in my unawareness, but Osho never allows anyone to feel guilty about anything.