Tale 46 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas

Tale 46 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas


Tale 46 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas


Kashmiri people wear a typical type of dress which Osho likes very much. He tells us to go to the studio and get our photos taken in Kashmiri dress. We are excited with His idea and go for it.

After our photos are taken, we ask the cameraman if he can come with us to take a photo of Osho on a horse wearing the Kashmiri dress. He agrees to it.

Osho is sitting on the verandah with some friends. Seeing us coming with a horse and cameraman, He understands our intention and says, “Here comes the trouble.”

Hearing this I tell Him, “You have troubled us all. Now please get dressed in this Kashmiri dress. We want your picture on the horse.” Other friends are surprised with my remarks but Osho smiles and gets up from the chair and says, “Okay, as you wish.” Kranti takes the package of the dress and goes with Him into the room.

I wonder how sometimes I talk with Osho so intimately like a friend. I realize it is because of His love that we never feel Him as separate and far above us. He allows us to open our hearts towards Him without any pretension.

In a few minutes He comes out dressed in Kashmiri dress looking like a Mughal emperor with mischievous smile on His face. The cameraman is waiting with his horse on the ground near our cottage.

Osho walks gracefully and slowly to the horse and pats Him. He rides on the horse, looks at us smilingly and the camera clicks. Next day, we get this beautiful picture of Osho sitting on the horse like the emperor of Kashmir.