For thousands of years we have been told that sex is the greatest sin…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

For thousands of years we have been told that sex is the greatest sin...


For thousands of years we have been told that sex is the greatest sin. It has become part of our blood, bone and marrow. So even if you know consciously that there is nothing wrong in it, the unconscious keeps you a little detached, afraid, guilt-ridden, and you cannot move into it totally.


If you can move into lovemaking totally, the ego disappears, because at the highest peak, at the highest climax of lovemaking, you are pure energy. The mind cannot function. With such joy, with such an outburst of energy, the mind simply stops. It is such an upsurge of energy that the mind is at a loss, it does not know what to do now. It is perfectly capable of remaining in function in normal situations, but when anything very new and very vital happens it stops. And sex is the most vital thing.


Tantra chose lovemaking as a window towards God.


Tantra has chosen a far shorter way, the shortest, and far more pleasant too!


Lovemaking can open the window


While making love, think of prayer, meditation, God.


While making love, burn incense, chant, sing, dance.


Your bedroom should be a temple, a sacred place.


And lovemaking should not be a hurried thing.


Go deeper into it; savor it as slowly and as gracefully as possible.


Love is another phenomenon, one of the most potential, where the ego disappears and you are conscious, fully conscious, pulsating, vibrating. You are no more an individual, you are lost into the energy of the whole.


Then, slowly slowly, let this become your very way of life. What happens at the peak of love has to become your discipline — not just an experience but a discipline. Then whatsoever you are doing and wherever you are walking…


Early in the morning with the sun rising, have the same feeling, the same merger with existence. Lying down on the ground, the sky full of stars, have the same merger again. Lying down on the earth, feel one with the earth.

Slowly slowly, lovemaking should give you the clue for how to be in love with existence itself.