Enjoy, delight, rejoice, so that you can become capable of higher rejoicings.

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Enjoy, delight, rejoice, so that you can become capable of higher rejoicings.

Enjoy, delight, rejoice, so that you can become capable of higher rejoicings.

Celebrate this shore so that you can learn the ways of celebration and you can be called to the other shore. Only those who are ready will be called.

If you are sad, gloomy, masochistic, torturing yourself, you are putting the other shore farther away. Because that shore belongs to those who can penetrate.

That shore comes closer the more you celebrate.

In fact, if your celebration comes to a peak, this shore turns to be that shore.

When you are really at the peak of your celebration, when your dance is at the ultimate climax, immediately this shore is no more this shore; you are on the other shore.

You are no more in the world, you are in God.