Be just a human being! And in that freedom you will find great joy….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Be just a human being! And in that freedom you will find great joy....

Be free!
Rebel against all nonsense! Be free. OSHO

I don't teach tolerance. I teach freedom from all the nonsense of being Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian. Be free from all prejudices.

Be just a human being! And in that freedom you will find great joy, and in that freedom. for the first time you will feel love for other human beings, compassion, brotherhood. You will start feeling the whole universe as your family, your commune.

And not only with human beings — when the fascist in you has disappeared and the fanatic is gone, even with the trees and the birds and the animals you will have a communion. You will be constantly in a beautiful dialogue with existence.

Drop all this nonsense. To be a Hindu, to be a Mohammedan, to be a Christian, to be a Jaina, to be a Buddhist, these are stupid hangovers from the past.

Be finished with them, and in a single blow — not slowly, not gradually. See the point and be finished with them RIGHT now, this very moment! Because who knows? — tomorrow may come, may not come. Who knows? — the next moment may come, may not come. This is the only moment available. Rebel against all nonsense! Be free!