Consciousness without thinking: that’s what awareness is…..OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Consciousness without thinking: that's what awareness is.....

Consciousness without thinking: that's what awareness is.
Being alert and with no thought.


Once you start dropping thoughts,


the dust that you have collected in the past, the flame arises — clean, clear, alive, young.


Your whole life becomes a flame, and a flame without any smoke.


That is what awareness is.


Consciousness without thinking: that's what awareness is.


Being alert and with no thought.


Try it!


whenever you see thinking gathering, disperse it!


pull yourself out of it!


Look at the trees with no screens of thinking between you and the trees.


Listen to the chirping of the birds with no chirping of the mind inside.


Look at the sun rising and feel that inside you also a sun of consciousness is rising…


but don't think about it, don't assert, don't state, don't say.


Simply be.


And, by and by, you will start feeling glimpses of awareness,


sudden glimpses of awareness —


as if a fresh breeze has entered into your room which was getting stale and dead;


as if a ray of light has entered into the dark night of your soul;


as if, suddenly, life has called you back.