If you are really realistic,
you start living the miracle.
And the miracle is:
if you are real,
you don't want to be bothered
with competition,
Who bothers?
You enjoy your food,
you enjoy your breathing,
you enjoy the sunlight,
you enjoy the stars,
you enjoy life, you enjoy being alive
you are perfectly in tune.
In harmony with the Whole.
If you understand that they are dreams then wash your face and have a cup of tea. What is there to be done about it? Dreams are dreams — why be bothered?
But you don't understand that they are dreams. This is borrowed. You know that they are not dreams — that s why you are worried. Otherwise why be worried? If in a dream you see that you have fallen ill, when you wake up in the morning do you go to the doctor?
In my dream I was very ill and now some medication is needed. You never go. You realize it was a dream — finished! What is the point of going to a doctor?
But you have not yet understood that these are dreams. These are realities for you — hence the problem.
I NOTICE THAT DEEP DOWN I WANT TO BE LOVED. If you want to be loved — love! Because whatsoever you give is returned back. If you want to be loved forget about wanting to be loved, and in a thousand ways love will come to you. Life reflects, life resounds, life echoes whatsoever you throw at life. So if you want to be loved forget about wanting and being loved — that is not the point at all then. Then simple is the rule — love.
And if you want to be accepted like the greatest man on earth, then start accepting everybody as the greatest man on earth. Otherwise how are they going to accept you as the greatest? They are also on the same trip. They are not going to accept you as the greatest because then what will happen to them? If you are the greatest, then who are they? Nobody wants to be anything else.
Everybody is on the same trip. If you want people to accept you as the greatest man on earth, let this be the rule: whatsoever you want others to do for you, do for them. But that is the trouble. The ego wants you to be the greatest man on earth — nobody else. Then you will feel hurt. Because all are on the same trip — can't you understand the simple point? They are also waiting for you to accept them as the greatest man.
Everybody is trying to be at the top of the world — then you are in competition with the whole world. Remember, you are going to be defeated. One man fighting against the whole world — that is the situation.
If you see the point, there are two ways. One, forget about this trip, be ordinary, simple, whatsoever you are. There is no need to be great, the only need is to be real. Great is the wrong goal. To be real…. I have come across a hip slogan: Be realistic — plan for a miracle. Yes. that s how it is. If you ale really realistic, you start living the miracle. And the miracle is: if you are real, you don't want to be bothered with competition, comparison. Who bothers? You enjoy your food, you enjoy your breathing, you enjoy the sunlight, you enjoy the stars, you enjoy life, you enjoy being alive — you are perfectly in tune.
In harmony with the Whole. What is the point of being a great man? The great men, the so-called great men, are almost always phony — they have to be. They cannot be real persons. They are plastic. Because they have chosen a wrong goal: to be great is an ego goal; to be real is existential.
If you want to be great you will be in continuous conflict. And of course you will be hurt by everybody. Not that everybody is trying to hurt you, they are doing their own trip. You are unnecessarily coming in their way.
Get out of this rat race. Sit under the tree by the side of the road; it is tremendously beautiful and silent. Otherwise be ready to be hurt.
Ramakrishna used to tell a beautiful story.
A bird was flying with a dead mouse and twenty or thirty birds were chasing him. The bird was very much worried.
'I am not doing anything to them, I am just carrying my dead mouse. They are all after me.'
And they hit him hard and in the conflict, in the struggle, the bird opened his mouth and the mouse dropped. Immediately they all flew towards the mouse; they all forgot about him.
Then he sat upon a tree and brooded.
They were not against him, they were also on the same trip — they wanted the mouse.
If people are hurting you, open your mouth. You must be carrying a dead mouse! Drop it! And then sit — if you can, sit on the tree or under the tree and brood. And suddenly you will see that they have forgotten about you. They are not concerned. They never were concerned. The ego is a dead mouse.
Just watch your mind — how it creates problems. The woman remains the same but now she has become a grandmother — and one feels humiliated.
It is your idea that is giving you humiliation. If you are really concerned with your own well-being then nobody is hurting you — just your own ideas. Drop them.
Or, two, it you feel good with them, don't be worried about the hurts. Carry them. But you have a decision inside. If you want the ego trip, if you want to be the greatest man in the world, then everybody is going to prove that you are the worst man in the world.
Then have courage and heart to suffer all that. It is futile, but if you choose that way, it is your choice. If you really want your well-being and your inner calm and silence and bliss, then these hurts are indicative: you are carrying some wrong ideas within you.
Drop those ideas.