if you really want to be happy, then find out a way to be in contact with reality, and you will be happy. Just go on dreaming and don't try to find a way to reality — then you will be dreaming, and you will become more and more unhappy, because again and again you will find that happiness is not happening.
Doing is a function of the real; dreaming is the function of the unreal. OSHO
I have heard a story: Willy Jones dreamed that he had died. After the funeral, he found himself in a gigantic room, lavishly furnished. He rested on an overstuffed couch for a while, but after an hour or so he began to get bored. "Is there anybody here?" he shouted. In a minute, a white robed attendant appeared.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"What can I have?" Willy asked.
The attendant shrugged, "Anything you want." Willy asked for something to eat.
"What do you want to eat?" the attendant asked. "You can have anything you want." And so they brought him just what he wanted, and he went on eating and sleeping and having a fine time.
He began to feel bored after a while, and finally he shouted for the attendant and insisted, "I want something to do!"
"I'm sorry," the attendant told him, "but that is the one thing that we can't provide."
Willy looked around him. "I am sick and tired of it," he said. "I would rather go to hell."
"Well," said the attendant, "where do you think you are?"
The hell is a place where you cannot do anything, because doing is possible only in reality. Dreaming is possible in hell, doing is not possible. If you are living in your dreaming, you are living in a hell. You may dream a thousand and one things, but you cannot DO anything.
Watch…you want to be happy, but why can't you be happy? Suddenly, you are impotent. You want to be happy, you dream about it, but who is preventing you? Be happy? — then suddenly you feel impotent. You want peace, silence; you desire your dream. But who is preventing you? — just be silent; then suddenly you feel powerless. Doing is possible only when you are in contact with reality. Dreaming is possible on your own; you can go on dreaming.
So let this be your criterion: if you really want to be happy, then find out a way to be in contact with reality, and you will be happy. Just go on dreaming and don't try to find a way to reality — then you will be dreaming, and you will become more and more unhappy, because again and again you will find that happiness is not happening.
Doing is a function of the real; dreaming is the function of the unreal.