HomeNotesDON’T WORRY………..BE HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY……………….. DON’T WORRY………..BE HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY……………….. October 27, 2011 Nobody is forcing anybody — nobody can force anybody — to be miserable. HAVE WONDERFUL TIME…………… LOVE AND BLISS……….. ALWAYS…
If you accept everything suddenly love flowers….OSHO When you accept life as it is, whatsoever it is, whatsoever the case, when you accept it in its totality,…
Leave one hour aside every day for a prayerful state of mind, and don’t make your prayer a verbal affair…OSHO FEEL THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF EACH PERSON AS YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. SO, LEAVING ASIDE CONCERN FOR SELF, BECOME EACH BEING. Become…
Sannyas is a divine gift…OSHO Sannyas is a divine gift. Don't think that you are taking sannyas but think that I am giving…