You must learn to work without me.
To be aware of the physical body is not much awareness; to be aware of the nonphysical being is real awareness.
You must learn to work without me.
You cannot be here always, you will have to go far away; you cannot hang around me forever, you have other works to do. You have come from different countries all over the world; you will have to go.
For a few days you will be here with me, but if you become addicted to my physical presence then rather than being a help it may become a disturbance, because then when you go away, you will miss me.
Your meditation should be such here that it can happen without my presence, then wherever you go the meditation will not be in any way affected.
And this too has to be remembered: I cannot always be in this physical body with you; one day or another the physical vehicle has to be dropped.
My work is complete as far as I am concerned. If I am carrying this physical vehicle, it is just for you; some day, it has to be dropped.
Before it happens you must be ready to work in my absence, or in my nonphysical presence which means the same.
And once you can feel me in my absence you are free of me, and then even if I am not here in this body the contact will not be lost.