If you come with a mind, you will go with a bigger mind.
If you come with a no-mind, you will go with a bigger no-mind.
It depends on you: how you come to me, what you bring to me, what you are ready to offer to me — a mind? then there is no communication. You will gather a few bits from here and there, and you will collect them in your old ways. It will be addition to your knowledge; it will not be a revelation, it will not give you anything new. It will not be a breakthrough.
But if you can listen to me just listening, not thinking, not interpreting, not classifying — just listening as if you don't know anything; listening in deep silence with no knowledge interfering in between — you will not be conditioned at all.
Innocence can never be conditioned.
Only cunningness can be conditioned. Innocence is such freedom!
It listens, but it remains above.
Innocence is like a lotus flower: it remains in the water, but untouched by it.
Then you can move around the world, you can go and listen to many people, you can read a thousand and one books, you can study all that down the centuries the human mind has invented, discovered, systematized, and you will remain unconditioned, you will remain free.
Something within you will remain above, distant.