It is almost an impossibility to communicate; still it has to be done….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

It is almost an impossibility to communicate; still it has to be done....

A beautiful parable from Pierre Delattre's Tales of a Dalai Lama. In this beautiful book comes this parable:

All the monks had seen the spirit come out of the wall long enough to utter just one word.

But each monk had heard a different word. The event is immortalized in this poem:

The one who wanted to die heard LIVE.

The one who wanted to live heard DIE.

The one who wanted to take heard GIVE.

The one who wanted to give heard KEEP.

The one who was always alert heard SLEEP.

The one who was always asleep heard WAKE.

The one who wanted to leave heard STAY.

The one who wanted to stay, DEPART.

The one who never spoke heard PREACH.

The one who always preached heard PRAY.

Each one learned how he had been in someone else's way.

What I am saying has to be conveyed to as many people as possible, and as fast as possible.

Use all modern media to reach as many people as possible. Still, be aware that it is very difficult to communicate. It is almost an impossibility to communicate; still it has to be done.

Even if fragments of what I am saying are understood, it will be enough to create the field, the energy field, in which the new man can be conceived.

Even if people misunderstand it… it is better to understand the truth, but even if the truth is misunderstood it is better than a lie.

Something of the truth will remain in the misunderstanding too. And truth is a potential power, a great power. Even if a fragment, just a seed of truth, falls into your heart, sooner or later you will become the garden of Eden.

It cannot be avoided.

Just a drop, and the whole ocean will find its way towards you.