Life is not to imitate others, but to develop the tree which is hidden in the seed of the self. Life is not imitation; it is an original creation.
A person can only become like himself. It is impossible to be like others.
He who wants to become like someone else loses himself. Every seed contains in itself its own tree and so also each individual. There is no other way to be anything except one's own self. In an attempt to be something else, it is possible that the individual may not become what he could have been. Search out what you are; and the way to develop lies in what you can be. Other than that there is no ideal for anybody.
In the name of ideals persons get deflected from the path of self-development; they reach nowhere. I see suicides behind the cover of ideals and there could be nothing but suicides. What shall I do whenever I will try to be like some one else?
I will kill my own self; I will suppress myself: I will hate myself. Thus there will be suicide and hypocrisy; because it will be an acting to show what I am not, to look and to demonstrate what I am not. As soon as duality develops in individuality, hypocrisy sets in.
Wherever there is self-contradiction in personality there is falsehood, there is irreligion; and it is only natural that such an unnatural attempt should bring pain, worry and repentance. The excess of such tensions becomes a hell for men. Except the ideal, born out of the self-born truth, self-born possibilities, and the discipline which automatically follows like its shadow, everything else makes a man ugly and deformed.
Frames or ideals and discipline, imported from outside, bring about suicide.
Therefore, I say: "Search for yourself and find yourself. It is the door of God, only those are welcome who find themselves.
Life is not to imitate others, but to develop the tree which is hidden in the seed of the self. Life is not imitation; it is an original creation.