Life is such a mystery: there are only beginnings, no ends.
So, go on melting, always remembering that more is coming.
Never become satisfied. OSHO
It is from Anup.
It is not a question. A real question is never a question, it is a statement. This is a statement of Anup's state of being at this moment. I can also feel that he is melting, but this is just the beginning.
Don't become too self-conscious about it, or else the melting will stop Allow it so that more and more becomes possible. Go on melting, and always remember that more is waiting. Always remember that it is always the beginning, never the end. In fact, there is no end to it.
Life is such a mystery: there are only beginnings, no ends.
So, go on melting, always remembering that more is coming. Never become satisfied. A complacent satisfaction can become suicidal. There come many moments when one feels that more is not possible. One comes to a peak and one feels,'Now, how is more possible?' Whenever this idea that more is not possible arises in your mind, remember me. More is always possible.
There never comes a moment when more is not possible. That is the meaning when we say that God is infinite: you enter into God but you never reach. Let me repeat it again: you enter into God but you never reach Him. You can drown in Him but you cannot say that you have known Him. It is so vast, so infinitely vast, and man is just a tiny drop.
Go on melting, always remembering that more is on the way.