To understand silence, the other side, the receiving side, should also be silent.
Then there is a meeting of the hearts.
Nothing influences me.
Nor do I want anybody to be influenced by me,
because the very fact of being influenced is a kind of mental slavery.
I keep myself totally free from influences,
and I never influence anybody, never try to convert, convince anybody.
I am the first one who can claim to be religious.
The whole past and its religions have been pseudo, false.
To me religion has a totally different meaning.
There is no God. There is no heaven and hell.
All those past religions have exploited man with fear of hell and greed for heaven,
and all those religions have kept man retarded, dependent on God,
a big daddy somewhere above who is taking care of you.
This made man irresponsible. T
his made man unintelligent.
My religion is basically centered around consciousness, silence,
and silence has its own way of communication.
Just as words speak, but can be misunderstood,
they are misunderstood — silence also speaks.
It also can be misunderstood.
To understand silence, the other side, the receiving side, should also be silent.
Then there is a meeting of the hearts.
Something starts falling into tune, harmony, a kind of synchronicity.
Nothing is said, nothing is heard, but everything is understood.
Lovers know it; just sitting side by side saying nothing,
something goes on moving between them.