Once the truth-seed falls into you, there is no need to be worried; it sprouts on its own. It brings much fruit on its own. It does not need your help. It simply needs one thing: please don't hinder it. You are not asked to help it to grow, you are only asked to allow it to fall in the right soil of your heart.
Nothing is missing! On the contrary, something is there which is not needed. Nothing is missing. There is something which is not needed: you are too much. Your too-muchness is creating the barrier. If you can somehow miss, the thing will happen immediately. When you come to me the next time, leave yourself back at home. Come alone; don't bring yourself here. But you go on bringing yourself. If it is too difficult to leave yourself at home, then leave yourself where you leave your shoes.
Nothing is missing. The whole problem of man is not that something is lacking in him, but that something more it is a problem of plusses. I am here, available, but you are is there which is not needed. It is not a problem of minusses, not there to receive me. It is not because you are empty, but because you are too full, too full of yourself.
There is no space for me to enter into you: so many thoughts, so many ideas, so many ideologies. Somebody is a Christian, somebody is a Hindu, somebody is a Mohammedan, somebody is a Jain — so many diseases; this is the plus. And among these diseases is sitting the king of all diseases — the ego; enthroned, crowned. This plus has to be dissolved.
Here you have to be wakened, empty, void, open, so that the breeze that is blowing here can pass through you without any obstruction. And with the breeze, the dust that you have gathered through many lives will be blown out. You will be left clean and pure.
So remember this: whenever you ask such questions, you think that you have to do something which you are not doing, that something is missing. No, you are doing something which is not needed to be done. While listening to me you are thinking — that is the plus. While listening 'to me just be a listening. There is no need to think, because I am not propounding a philosophy here.
I am simply stating a few facts. Those facts are not hypothetical; those facts are my realizations. I have come to see something which I would like to deliver to you. But if you are listening without thinking, only then is it possible. When I say don't think, I don't mean that whatsoever I say you have to accept blindly.
No, I'm simply saying: just listen; no need to believe in it, no need to disbelieve in it. Don't bring that problem in right now. Just listen so that you can understand what I am saying. Later on you can think about it, and you can decide whether to be with me or not to be with me. That decision is possible only if you have listened rightly.
And how will you decide if you have not been listening to me? This is the beauty of it, that if you have listened rightly, a fact has a certain quality in it: so that once it enters into you, you cannot deny it, you cannot be against it. A fact has a self-evidence about it. It does not need any proof or argument. It has a truth in it. Once you listen you can feed that truth within you. Just listen to me, and then there will be no need to think about it. You will be able to see the truth of it, and truth liberates.
I cannot liberate you, nobody can liberate you; only truth can liberate you. And the truth has to be seen by YOU. I may be seeing it, I may be telling it to you. In a thousand and one ways I may be showering it upon you, but that is useless if you are not open, if your pot is upside down, if you are not listening When I am speaking, if simultaneously you go on thinking of what I am saying, if you go on like commentators in a cricket match and you go on commenting — 'Yes, this is right, that is wrong; that I cannot believe; this goes against my philosophy; I am a Christian, what this man is saying is anti-Christian; this is not written in the Bible' — if you go on commenting, while you are commenting you are missing me. Then you may listen to bits and fragments, and out of those bits and fragments you may create something within you which has nothing to do with me.
Listen to me as totally as possible. Listening to me, be completely vacant, empty, so that there is no resistance. I can pass through and through you; you become transparent to me. Once the truth-seed falls into you, there is no need to be worried; it sprouts on its own. It brings much fruit on its own. It does not need your help. It simply needs one thing: please don't hinder it. You are not asked to help it to grow, you are only asked to allow it to fall in the right soil of your heart.