To me,
unless you feel full of joy,
bursting with happiness,
you will not be able
to have that great quality
of gratitude towards existence.
That quality is
authentic religiousness.
Millions of people in the world are dead — although they go on breathing, working.
And perhaps it will take years for them to be recognized as dead, but they are dead.
There is no smile on their face, nothing flowers in their being; no song arises, no dance, no laughter.
Every moment they are missing life — which is so precious that you cannot purchase it.
Even if you give everything you have, not even a single moment can be purchased; it is not a commodity, it is a gift unconditionally given by nature.
And you have taken it for granted.
You have not been even thankful to existence, you have not shown any gratitude.
To me, unless you feel full of joy, bursting with happiness, you will not be able to have that great quality of gratitude towards existence.
That quality is authentic religiousness.