Innocence is the greatest thing that can happen to a human being.
Innocent, you are divine. Innocent, you have become gods. OSHO
When I say become innocent, it means a de-automatization. It means: whatsoever you do, do fully conscious. If you are driving a car, then drive only — become driving; don't do anything else, don't continue the inner talk. Just become so deeply involved and alert that there is no driver — only driving, fully conscious.
It will be difficult — that's why societies have not bothered about it. Only individuals can pass through such an arduous path.
Do everything consciously; by and by, your body-automatism will dissolve, you will become de-automatized. Then innocence will flower.
A child is innocent because nothing is automatic yet. He has not learned anything, he is not conditioned yet. Sooner or later we will condition him. He will learn things, then more and more mind will be there and less and less he himself. Less and less being and more and more mind will be there. Then he will become just an automaton, a mechanism — efficient, working well, serving the society, but dead.
Serve, help the society work, but don't become automatic. As you have already become automatic, de-automatize yourself. By and by, bring more and more consciousness. Whatsoever you are doing, bring more consciousness, because whatsoever you are doing, if you are less conscious it becomes automatic. That is the way of automatization, being less and less conscious, doing things like a mechanism.
More and more conscious doing, not like a mechanism, but a presence, then innocence will flower in you. And that innocence is the greatest thing that can happen to a human being.
Innocent, you are divine. Innocent, you have become gods.