And the whole mothers you, cares about you, loves you. So it is natural that when somebody becomes a Buddha, when somebody reaches the ultimate peak, the whole existence dances, the whole existence sings, the whole existence celebrates.
The whole is your mother. The whole is not indifferent to you.
Let this truth penetrate as deeply as possible in your heart, because even this awareness that the whole feels happy with you will change you. Then you are not alienated, then you are not a foreigner here. Then you are not a homeless wanderer, then this is a HOME.
And the whole mothers you, cares about you, loves you. So it is natural that when somebody becomes a buddha, when somebody reaches the ultimate peak, the whole existence dances, the whole existence sings, the whole existence celebrates.
Everything has been personified just to give a heart to it, a heartbeat — just to make it more caring.
So Hindus, Buddhists, they have converted all the natural forces into gods, and they are right!
sun is a god for Hindus and Buddhists, the sky is a god; every tree has its own god.
The air is god, the earth is god.
Everything has a heart — that is the meaning.
Everything feels — that is the meaning. Nothing is indifferent to you — that is the meaning.
And when you attain, everything celebrates.
Then the sun shines in a different way; the quality has changed.
To those who are ignorant everything remains the same. The sun shines in the old way because the change of quality is very subtle and only one who is empty can feel it.
It is not gross, the ego cannot feel it; the gross is the field of the ego. The subtle can be felt only when there is no ego, because it is so subtle that if you are there you will miss it. Even your presence will be enough disturbance.When one is totally empty the quality of the sun immediately changes.
It has a welcoming poetry about it. Its warmth is not only warmth, it has become a love — a loving warmth. The air is different, it lingers a little more around you, it touches you with more feeling, as if it has got hands. The touch is totally different; now the touch has a sensitivity around it.
The tree will flower, but not in the same way. Now the flowers are coming out of the tree as if they are jumping.It is said that whenever Buddha passed through a forest, trees would start blossoming even when it was not the season for them. It has to be so!
Man can err in recognizing Buddha but how can trees err? Man has a mind and the mind may miss, but how can the trees miss? — they don't have any minds, and when a Buddha walks in a forest they start blossoming.
It is natural, it has to be so! It is not a miracle. But you may not be able to see those flowers, because those flowers are not really physical. Those flowers are the FEELINGS of the trees.
When Buddha passes the tree trembles in a different way, throbs in a different way, is no longer the same. This is the meaning. The whole cares for you, the whole is your mother.?