Masters generally don't complain, but when they complain it means something.
Enlightened persons never complain for themselves. This complaint is general, it is how it happens.
A Jesus feels the same way, a Buddha feels the same way.
Wherever you go, you have to meet people who are deaf, dumb, blind. You make gestures — they cannot see; or even worse, they see something else.
You talk to them — they cannot understand, and even worse, they misunderstand.
You say something else, they understand something else again, because meaning cannot be given through words. Only words can be communicated, meaning has to be supplied by the listener.
I say a word; I mean one thing. But if ten thousand people are listening there will be ten thousand meanings, because each will listen from HIS mind, from HIS prejudice, from HIS concept and philosophy and religion.
He will listen from HIS conditioning and his conditioning will supply the meaning. It is very difficult, almost impossible. It is just as if you go to a madhouse and talk to people. How will you feel? That's what Gensha feels, that's the complaint.
That's my complaint also. Working with you, I always feel a block comes. Either your eyes are blocked, or your ears are blocked, or your nose is blocked, or your heart is blocked; somewhere or other, something is blocked, a stonelike thing comes.
And it is difficult to penetrate because if I do too much to penetrate it, you become afraid — why am I interested so much? If I don't do too much, you feel neglected.
This is how an ignorant mind works. Do this and he will misunderstand, do that and he will misunderstand. One thing is certain: he will misunderstand.