I give you a single commandment: Be aware…..
This is the only commandment — the eleventh commandment. And the eleventh is enough; the other ten are not needed at all.
Be aware and let your discipline come out of your awareness. And there will come a discipline which has a beauty. It will not be like a plastic flower, it will be a real rose.
It will have perfume, it will have life. And there will come a certain order, but not imposed, not cultivated — natural.
When you know the ultimate law, Dharma, when you have become aware of it, when you are attuned to it, your life becomes simple, easy, natural, flowing. No hindrances, no obstructions are there, no blocks are there. That is order.
Order is not like railroad tracks, where the train goes on moving on the rails, the same rails, every day. Order is like a river coming down from the Himalayas and moving towards the ocean.
The river is alive! It is not following a certain map, it is not running like a canal, it is not manmade. It simply flows freely, but it still reaches to the ocean.
And a canal always looks ugly, artificial, because it does not have the natural turns, sudden surprises; it is straight, geometrical. The real river is zigzag, sometimes going to the south and sometimes moving to the north.
If you are too legal you will say, "This is a waste of time and waste of land and waste of energy." If you are too legal-minded you start believing only in straight lines: the shortest path is to go straight from one point to the other.
But the river goes zigzag, takes a long route, sometimes flows fast and sometimes goes very lazy. And there are different moods and different climates and different lands which it passes through.
It takes sudden turns. It goes in a dancing way: not confined, not like a slave, not like a prisoner, chained, following the policeman. It goes in freedom. Then each step has its own beauty.
My sannyasin is like a river, not like a canal. Yes, there is a discipline, but very subtle: that of love, that of understanding, that of meditation.
Yes, there is an order, but not imposed, not cultivated — natural, spontaneous. Yes, there is a law, but not the law made by stupid politicians or stupid priests — the law of nature itself, the law of God.
Buddha calls God The Ultimate Law. My sannyasin is working out how to be more attuned with nature, with the whole, how to drop this ego, how not to be separate from the whole — because to me, to be one with the whole is to be holy.
There is no need to hesitate. Try what I am saying. Experiment with it and come to your own conclusions. But never believe. Experiment, experience, and your experience will prove the truth of what I am saying.
OSHO My sannyasin is like a river, not like a canal. Yes, there is a discipline, but very subtle: that of love, that of understanding, that of meditation.
Yes, there is an order, but not imposed, not cultivated — natural, spontaneous. Yes, there is a law, but not the law made by stupid politicians or stupid priests — the law of nature itself, the law of God…OSHO