when you become one with consciousness there is no fear.
Fear disappears only when you have hit upon the eternal source, the immortal, which cannot die — the deathless.
If for even twenty-four hours you live an egoless existence, you will be surprised, amazed, mystified. What happened to that ego which you have been carrying for so many lives?
Even within twenty-four hours it will simply disappear because it needs a constant refueling, again and again. It is not a natural phenomenon, it has no perpetual energy in it.
Existence goes on perpetually, eternally; it has something eternal, non-exhausting. This tree may die, but immediately another tree will replace it; the energy moves into another.
Your body may fall, but the energy moves into another body. You have deep down, like everything else in existence, some eternal energy which cannot be exhausted. You need fuel for the body. If you don't eat and don't drink you will die. I
f you don't eat, then within three months you will die; if you don't drink, within three weeks you will die; if you don't breathe, within three minutes you will die. Constant fuel is needed for the body because the body is not an eternal phenomenon.
But for consciousness no fuel is needed. When this body dies your consciousness moves into another womb. Consciousness is perpetual movement. It is non ending energy — no beginning, no end. It never started, and it will never end.
That is why when you become one with consciousness there is no fear. Fear disappears only when you have hit upon the eternal source, the immortal, which cannot die — the deathless.