Word “LOVE” has to be understood….OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....



Love has two faces. It is Janus-like: one face looks towards the earth, the other face looks towards the sky. It is the greatest synthesis conceivable: it comes out of lust and moves towards prayer; it comes out of mud and becomes a lotus facing the sun.


This word 'love' has to be understood. What do we mean by the word 'love'? One thing we certainly all mean is that it has a pull in it, great energy. When you fall in love, it is not that you do something — you are pulled in. It has a magnetic force. You gravitate towards the object of your love, you gravitate almost helplessly, you gravitate even against your will. It has a pull, a magnetic field — that's why we call it 'falling in love'. Who wants to fall? — but who can avoid it? When the energy calls you, suddenly you are no more your old self. Something bigger than you is pulling you, something greater than you is invoking you. The challenge is such that one simply runs into it headlong.


So the first thing to understand is: love is a great energy pull. The second thing: whenever you fall in love, suddenly you are no longer ordinary; something miraculously changes in your consciousness. Love transforms you. Falling in love, a violent man becomes kind and tender. A murderer can become so compassionate, it is almost impossible to believe. Love is miraculous — it transforms the baser metal into gold. Have you watched people's faces and eyes when they fall in love? — you cannot believe that they are the same persons. When love takes possession of their souls they are transfigured, transported into another dimension; and suddenly…and with no effort of their own, as if they are caught in the net of God. Love transforms the base into the higher, transforms earth into sky, transforms the human into the divine.