As awareness grows, simultaneously love grows.
They cannot remain separate, they move together.
If you can grow in love, you will grow in awareness.
If you grow in awareness, you will grow in love.
If you are growing in awareness, simultaneously your love will always keep on the same level as your awareness. This is my experience.
I never say a single thing which is not my experience. I have not ever seen in me a single inch of difference between awareness and love.
Just let your awareness go higher, and love immediately moves to the same level.
They always keep the same level. When awareness is at its peak, love overflows; and that overflowing love is devotion.
And when love and awareness are there, are you just going to sit and not do anything?
Perhaps once in a while there will be a man like me who will simply sit and do nothing; but most probably everybody is going to do something.
And that something will come out of awareness and love.
I call that act, worship.
Whatever you do — you cook food, you clean a floor, you chop wood — whatever you do, your awareness and your love is showering. It is worship. No mantra is needed, no prayer is needed, no God is needed.
In my religion there is a place for devotion.
There is a place for worship.
But there is no place for God at all.
Wherever you are, your devotion is flowing.
Wherever a religious man sits:
There is the temple.
There is the church.
There is the synagogue.
Worship is your creativeness with a heart full of love and a being overflowing with awareness.
And then whatsoever you do is worship.
I have never felt for a single moment that I am not a worshipper.
My worship is just not to do anything:
Just to sit silently, doing nothing.
And the grass grows by itself.
OSHO Wherever a religious man sits
There is the temple.
There is the church.
There is the synagogue.