OSHO: Jivan Ek Avsar Hai

Jivan Ek Avsar Hai

We will explore the meaning of life through the analogy of a seed and a flower. We will discuss how life is an opportunity to blossom into our full potential, and how we can do this by surrendering to the process of growth and transformation.
If you are interested in personal growth or spirituality, then this is a must-read post.

  • The seed represents our potential, and the flower represents our full potential realized.
  • In order to blossom, we must surrender to the process of growth and transformation. This means letting go of our ego and allowing ourselves to be guided by the divine.
  • The earth represents the source of our nourishment and support. It is through the earth that we receive the water, sunlight, and nutrients that we need to grow.
  • The sun represents the source of our inspiration and motivation. It is the sun that calls forth the flower from the seed.