Tale 93 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas

Tale 93 : One Hundred Tales For Ten Thousand Buddhas

I arrive in Poona by the end of December 1985 and start helping in the accounts department again. There are only fifty to sixty sannyasins in the commune and the whole place feels deserted. After a couple of weeks we hear the news that Osho has left Manali and has gone to Nepal. Many sannyasins from India are going to Nepal to meet him. Somehow I feel that to reach Him physically wherever He goes is not possible.

In all these years of physical separation finally I have learnt to be connected with Him in silent moments of my meditation. Pain of separation is no longer there. We hear the news that He is staying in a hotel in Nepal and is speaking every morning and evening in the conference hall of the hotel. Some Government officials of Nepal are interested in Osho and He may settle there. Then after nearly one and a half months, one day we receive the news that Osho has left for Greece and will continue on a world tour from there. This news is a real blow for me. I feel I will never be able to see Him again in this life. Every morning I look in the newspaper for His news. In a couple of weeks we read in the paper that Osho has been arrested and deported from there. I become very sad and during my meditation pray for Him to come back to India. The West does not seem to be ready to digest this rebellious man. After this the news in the papers is the same, that he is not allowed to enter any country. One day, to our relief we read in the newspaper that Osho is allowed to enter Uruguay. Osho stays there for a few months and again has to leave and continue his journey.

One night while lying in my bed, I realize that I am totally exhausted and need a long holiday. I leave the commune in Poona and travel up north to the mountains. I look in the newspaper every morning to find out about Osho’s endless journey in his jet plane. After He has left from Jamaica there is no news in the papers. I enjoy my holidays being on the banks of the river Ganges, trekking in the mountains and going up to the Gomukh, where the Ganges starts, I return to Bombay by the middle of July very fresh and full of energy.