you have deceived enough.
Now no more.
No messiah is ever going to come.
You have to do your own work,
you have to be responsible for yourself.
And when you are responsible,
things start happening.
No, I am not a saviour. A thousand times no.
Nobody can save anybody else. And you should not look for that, that is a deception. I have saved myself, I cannot save you, you will have to save yourself. I can indicate the way, I can tell you how I have saved myself.
Buddhas only show the way, but all else you have to do. Nobody can save you, you should start being responsible for yourself. You have learnt a very ugly trick of throwing responsibility on somebody else. WHY should anybody else be a saviour to you?
I am not. I don't take anybody's responsibility on me. I throw you to yourself. That is the only way to help you, that is the only way to create a soul in you. That is the only way to make you feel that your life is your life. If you want it to be miserable that is your choice, if you don't want it to be miserable I make the way available to you.
You can drop your misery this very moment. But don't start clinging to me and don't start throwing your responsibility on me, otherwise sooner or later you will be disappointed and you will be angry with me.
There are sometimes questions — 'I have been here for three months and, Osho, you are not doing anything to me yet.'
Who I am to do anything? I can only indicate. I am a finger pointing to the moon. Don't wait, go to the moon. Don't wait and don't cling to the finger. But there are people who start biting my finger rather than going tO the moon.
I am not a saviour.
Listen to this beautiful anecdote:
In a shopping-plaza parking-lot in the American Midwest, a woman kept seeing a strange man who claimed to be Jesus Christ. Crowds would often gather to hear him preach: 'I am Jesus Christ! Come and be saved.'
One day in exasperation she approached the so-called messiah and said, 'You are no more Jesus Christ than I am. You are a fraud.' Whereupon the self-proclaimed Christ declared, 'I am too, and I can prove it if you would like. Come with me if you want proof.' So off she went with him.
As they walked along he said, 'You will see that I am indeed none other than Jesus Christ.' He walked up to the front door of a house and knocked. After a few minutes a man opened the door, looked at the preacher and screamed, 'Jesus Christ! Are you here again?!' And he said, 'Look, this is the proof.'
I am not going to give you any proof of any kind. And don't ask 'How to recognize you?' — there is no need. Just listen to what I am saying to you, let it be transformed into your own insight. You need not recognize me — as a saviour, as a Jesus, as a Buddha — there is no need.
And how can you recognize me? Unless you have become a Christ you will not be able to recognize a Christ — you will not know what it means to be a Christ. No, I don't expect you to recognize me. And there is no need. I am what I am, your recognition will not make any difference. So don't bother about that. And I am not going to give you any proofs.
And remember again: Don't look towards me as a saviour. Because of this idea — that a saviour has to come or a messiah has to come — people go on living the way they are living. What can they do? they say. When the messiah comes then everything will happen. This is their way of postponing transformation, this is their way of deceiving themselves.
Enough is enough, you have deceived enough. Now no more. No messiah is ever going to come. You have to do your own work, you have to be responsible for yourself. And when you are responsible, things start happening.