Jump into life, because it is slipping by. Before the time is gone jump into the stream, splash around…OSHO

Sannyas has to be a real break away. A loving surrender to the new....

Jump into life, because it is slipping by. Before the time is gone jump into the stream, splash around...

Jump into life, because it is slipping by. Before the time is gone jump into the stream, splash around. And in the end again the question remains the same. COULD THERE POSSIBLY BE MORE?

And when I say there is nothing more, you don't believe me. I know it, you don't believe me.

You say, 'This man is playing.' You know there is something more, you are missing it — but you are missing it not because there is more and you have not grown up to it; you are missing it because you are too much obsessed with the more and it is right here now already available.

You are missing, that I know. And because you are missing you cannot believe me that there cannot be anything more. You look into my eyes and you know that there is something more. You feel me and you know that there is something more. So you cannot believe it.

If I say there is something more and you have to attain it and much effort is needed, you will nod your approval. You will say, 'Right.' That's how you get caught by the gurus. Otherwise no guru can catch hold of you.

Your desire for the more is your readiness to be caught — that functions as a bait. And anybody who can shout loudly that there is more can get followers — because everybody is missing and this man says there is more; maybe he knows, so follow him.

It is very difficult to be with me because I am not promising you anything more, I am not promising any rose gardens to you. And I know you are missing, that is true. But you are not missing because it is far away, you are missing because it is so obvious.

If you ask a fish about her life experiences, she will tell about everything except the ocean. She will talk about her love affairs, children, husband, family matters, her psychoanalyst, her guru, and things like that, but she will not mention the ocean because it is obvious. The fish ordinarily never comes across the ocean. She lives in it, but she has been born into it. It was already there before she came in. It has been so close that it is very difficult to know about it. There is no distance.

God is like the ocean. It is just sitting by your side, hand in hand.

You are missing him not because he lives on a distant star. You are missing him because he follows you like a shadow, here on this earth.

You are missing him because he is sitting within you and you are looking out.
You are missing him because he has become you and you are searching somewhere else. He is in the seeker; the sought is in the seeker.

Any day it can happen. Any day you decide to trust me, it can happen. I am not here to show you a path, I am here only to show you the goal. Because a path means one has to travel far, far — the goal is somewhere else. My whole effort is to call you away from your so-called paths because the goal is here; where are you going?