My whole message is to see the truth, to see the hell that ego creates in the name: of perfection, uniqueness — and to let it drop. Then there is a tremendous beauty — no ego, no self, just a deep emptiness. And out of deep emptiness is creativity, out of that nothingness arises bliss, SATCHITANANDA, truth. Being, bliss, all arise out of that absolute purity.
The idea of perfection is absolutely different, diametrically opposite — not even different, opposite.
The perfectionists will say, 'Never be angry; always be compassionate. Never be sad; always be happy.' He chooses one polarity against the other.
In wholeness we accept both the polarities: the lows and the highs, the ups and the downs. Wholeness is totality. And you have to see the whole nonsense of the ego, otherwise it can come in from the back door.
If I say, 'Now become PERFECTLY egoless,' you will have to prove that there exists nobody who is more egoless than you.
Let me tell you an anecdote.
A family with a son about to be bar-mitzvahed wanted to celebrate the occasion in a unique way. Money was no object. The caterer suggested many things: flying the party out to Disneyland, renting out the White House, having the affair in a nuclear-submarine. All of these ideas were rejected by the family as old hat. It was not until the caterer came up with the idea of having the bar-mitzvah on safari in Africa that the family grew excited. Invitations were issued to two hundred guests, two hundred plane tickets were bought and the group set off for Africa.
In Africa the bar-mitzvah party was met by two hundred elephants, fifty guides, seven buglers, and three hundred native porters who were to carry their food. Each guest mounted their own elephant with the father of the bar-mitzvah boy in the rear of the procession.
They were only several miles into the jungle when the whole caravan came to a sudden halt. From the rear elephant the father cried, 'What is going on there?'
And the question was repeated two hundred times till it reached the head guide at the front of the procession. The answer came back up the line, 'We have to stop here for a little while.' 'Why?' cried the distressed father. 'Why?'
wailed the two hundred guests as the question proceeded up the line.
And then came the answer. 'There is another bar-mitzvah party ahead!'
The whole ego trip is like that. You move in a circle, you can never be in the front — never. Again there will be a bar-mitzvah party ahead. Even in the darkest jungles of Africa you cannot do anything that has not been done before, you cannot be anything that has not happened before, you cannot be unique. That's why the ego can never be satisfied. The ego remains imperfect and goes on demanding perfection.
My whole message is to see the truth, to see the hell that ego creates in the name: of perfection, uniqueness — and to let it drop. Then there is a tremendous beauty — no ego, no self, just a deep emptiness. And out of deep emptiness is creativity, out of that nothingness arises bliss, SATCHITANANDA, truth. Being, bliss, all arise out of that absolute purity.