Bliss is right.
So whatsoever I am doing
I am enjoying it tremendously —
and to be blissful is to be right.
The freedom is so absolute that there is no right and no wrong. The freedom is so absolute that whatsoever you do is right. It is not that you have to do something and sometimes it is right and sometimes it is wrong….
Try to understand my standpoint, from my grounding, from my centring. Whatsoever you do is perfectly right — not that it fulfills any criterion of what is right, simply there is NO criterion of what is right.
That's why I can be with Hasids, I can be with Sufis, I can be with Tantricas, I can be with yogis. It is very difficult for so-called religious people: if they are with Mahavira, how can they be with Mohammed? Impossible.
If one is right then the other is wrong. If they are with Krishna, how can they be with Christ? If one is right, the other is wrong. Their mathematics is clear: only one can be right. To me there is no criterion.
You cannot judge who is right and who is wrong. Mahavira is right because he enjoyed his thing; Buddha is right because he also enjoyed his thing; Mohammed is right because he enjoyed his thing, tremendously.
Bliss is right. So whatsoever I am doing I am enjoying it tremendously — and to be blissful is to be right.