karma is a scientific law: the law of action. Whatsoever you do has its intrinsic reward or punishment. When you are angry, it is not that you will suffer in your next life. When you are angry, WHILE you are angry, you are suffering; there is no need for another life to give you punishment. While you are angry you are in a fire, you are poisoning your whole body, you are poisoning your whole system.
Anger is poison.
If you wait, the mind is going to give you suggestions, "Do this, do that." Do the good immediately — why wait? And who knows? — the next moment will never come; this may be the last moment. Act as if this is going to be the last moment! Act with that urgency, because death can overtake you any moment. Don't listen to the mind. Mind can go on and on postponing things and, before mind allows you to do anything, death may have knocked you down. Do good, because doing good immediately brings joy.
Because if you do mischief, sorrow is going to follow you like a shadow. It is not that there is a God sitting somewhere who punishes you when you do something wrong; the wrong itself is the punishment, it carries its punishment intrinsically.
That's the whole idea behind the theory of karma. There is no need for any God to judge, to punish, to reward. And just think: if there was a God to judge every person and every person's every act and then dispose accordingly — punishments to a few, rewards to others — that kind of God would have gone mad long ago!
No, there is no God disposing rewards and punishments — that idea is childish. There is a law, not a God, a law like gravitation. If you don't walk rightly, if you are too much drunk, you are bound to fall somewhere. Not that God orders, "Fall!" — the law of gravitation is enough. If you don't walk rightly you are bound to fall. The law of gravitation takes care of it. If you walk alert, consciously, you don't suffer.
Exactly like that, karma is a scientific law: the law of action. Whatsoever you do has its intrinsic reward or punishment. When you are angry, it is not that you will suffer in your next life. When you are angry, WHILE you are angry, you are suffering; there is no need for another life to give you punishment. While you are angry you are in a fire, you are poisoning your whole body, you are poisoning your whole system.
Anger is poison.
It may hurt the other, it may not — it depends on the other — but it is going to hurt you, certainly.